Esencia sin Cadenas

Percepcion ante la vida, Expuesta a 3Ros

Monday, August 09, 2004


Yesterday... in Barnes & Noble... while i was drinking a delicious Frappuccino and looking for a book... flash memories from the past with u came to my mind... u was so sincere, clever, honest, kind... U were a REAL Friend... the one who always cared all about me... who gave me all kind of Advices... no matter how goofy or serious we were.... When I was in my wrose mood... u had that smile in ur mouth... and all my sadness immediately disappeared.

I know that no matter how far u are... still keeping our friendship as a teasure, like I do... we are maybe so different but alike...

Do u remember speech class?

hahahahahah That was though, Mrs. ( Awful) no matter her real name.... that nick describes how she were, specialty with me...:(, always looking for my mistakes... but thank God, Mrs. Martinez didn't change my Schedule... and I meet u, in that terrible and pathetic class... at first we always tried to find specific & easy words, to let us communicate what we wanted to say, U were Brand new in El Paso... from Japan & I learned so much from u... each single day, u had something important to teach, to share with me ...

I hope u leanred something from me... hahahhaah like, how to say Hi! in Spanish- Hola, Japanese isho-muinpuru-bumento Oh!... and baca hahahahha I still don't know what it means in ur language... all u told me was... how bad was that word...

U were so Strong by living just with ur father... ur mother & brother so far away.... missing u in Japan, but knowing that u were here making ur dream come true and Goal in life... and still doin' it till today.

U, the Excellent daughter, Student... Friend and Human being.

I 'll never end by finding reasons to say that always u 'll be my bestfriend!
nobody 'll be able to take that place...

Shocko, Thanks for all... U know how much I admire u... and miss u....

Love ya!


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